
Engelstalig evenement
SPUI25 in spe
15 06 22
Unequal Mobility and Saving Lives
Humanitarian Borders

What does it mean when humanitarianism is the response to death, injury and suffering at the border? In her new book, Humanitarian Borders, Polly Pallister-Wilkins explores this question and inquires the politics, potential and limits of humanitarian relief in times of mobility injustice.

Woensdag 15 jun 2022 20:00 uur
09 06 22
Oekraïne en Rusland: de verbeelding van een regio

De Russische oorlog in Oekraïne speelt zich af op straat, in media, online, en hij wordt verbeeld in taal en literatuur. Woorden brengen troost en verbinding, maar ze kunnen ook verdelen en schaden. Welke rol spelen journalistieke teksten in deze en andere oorlogen? Waarom kunnen we niet zonder proza en poëzie in tijden van strijd? En hoe verandert een oorlog de manier waarop we praten en schrijven? We bestuderen deze vragen met literair vertalers en journalisten die Rusland, Oekraïne en de voormalige Sovjet-Unie van binnenuit kennen.

Donderdag 9 jun 2022 17:00 uur
31 05 22
Can We Unlearn Racism?

Europe does not have a good track record when it comes to addressing racism—or even admitting it exists. Despite the pervasiveness of ethnic profiling, police brutality and discrimination on the housing and labor markets, countries struggle to tackle racism. In Can We Unlearn Racism? Jacob Boersema uses South Africa as a lens to understand this challenge.

Dinsdag 31 mei 2022 17:00 uur
25 05 22
Karen Armstrong over onze omgang met natuur
De heilige natuur

Gedurende het grootste deel van de menselijke geschiedenis is de natuur als heilig beschouwd en geloofden we dat God of de goden alomtegenwoordig waren in de natuur. Nu leven we in een klimaatcrisis. Wat is er veranderd in onze omgang met de natuur? En kunnen we het tij nog keren? De Britse auteur Karen Armstrong spreekt in de Vondelkerk over de wezenlijke verbinding van de mens met de natuur, naar aanleiding van haar nieuwe boek De heilige natuur (Querido Facto), en gaat hierna in gesprek met schrijver Marjolijn van Heemstra.

Woensdag 25 mei 2022 20:00 uur
25 05 22
The Making of the Geneva Conventions
Preparing for War

The Geneva Conventions have hit the headlines since Putin’s invasion into Ukraine. These treaties, which represent the most important rules for armed conflict ever formulated, lay down an extensive list of protections for victims of war. But their history is often misunderstood. This roundtable, based on a new book by Boyd van Dijk, discusses the historical, legal, and political dimensions of international law in wartime.

Woensdag 25 mei 2022 17:00 uur
24 05 22
Making Turkey, Representing Turkey

In this shared book launch Özge Calafato and Enno Maessen will present their new monographies. The event will focus on the contents of their respective books, which both engage with the cultural history of representation, production of identity and space in Turkey’s modern history.

Dinsdag 24 mei 2022 17:00 uur
16 05 22
Ukraine and Russia: the Imagination of a Region

Do countries have their own unique identity? How do identities on geographical maps relate to identities on our mental maps of the world? Where is Ukraine (and where Russia) on the mental map of public and academic communities? How are assumptions about cultural and local identities deployed in political domains? And what role do these assumptions play in international relations? These old questions achieve new meaning in the Russian war in Ukraine. We investigate them with renowned European scholars and writers, who each have special personal and/or family ties with Central and Eastern Europe.

Maandag 16 mei 2022 20:00 uur
28 04 22
Learning Community Urban Interaction Design
Imagining the Unimaginable

How can speculative design be used to understand citizen perspectives and help make more informed urban planning decisions for the technologized city of the future?

Donderdag 28 apr 2022 20:00 uur
20 04 22
Utopies: Conférence Euro-topies

What were the objectives of the European Union at its creation? To what extent is the utopia of peace that united its founding members threatened today? And what are the stakes and realities of today’s migratory flows?

Woensdag 20 apr 2022 20:00 uur
12 04 22
Ottoman Refugees and the World they Helped to Make, 1870-1970
Stages of Global Migration

The routes of migration in the “long” twentieth century form passages through which not only people have changed their location, but also the material and immaterial goods which they have taken with them. In policy-making circles today, representations of migration can freeze positive memories of that which needs preservation or melancholic memories of often dramatic, multiple levels of migration experience taking place in a distant world. In an attempt to advocate greater sensitivity to these various experiences in one migratory story, Isa Blumi proposes to bring historic perspective.

Dinsdag 12 apr 2022 17:00 uur
07 04 22
Footnotes to the work of Joseph Beuys

Art and society are closely connected – what political, social and cultural implications are present in Joseph Beuys’ body of work? Did Beuys deliberately use his visual language to make himself forget or even idealize his war past? We delve into these and other questions with Hans Peter Riegel, Arie Hartog, Joseph Sassoon Semah and Ton Nijhuis.

Donderdag 7 apr 2022 17:00 uur
05 04 22
Women’s Voices from the Mediterranean

What insights can women’s experiences, their use of language and their ways of communication add to our understanding of the early modern Mediterranean? Together with NIAS fellow Eric Dursteler, historian Maartje van Gelder and writers Nisrine Mbarki and Lamia Makkadam we explore women’s active participation in this multilingual region. What can insights from the early modern age tell us about today?

Dinsdag 5 apr 2022 17:00 uur
30 03 22
Welkom bij de nieuwe geschiedenis van de mensheid
Het begin van alles
Het begin van alles van antropoloog David Graeber (1961-2020) en archeoloog David Wengrow is een radicale herziening van de geschiedenis van de mensheid. Op 30 maart neemt Wengrow je mee op een duizelingwekkende en meeslepende rit die 30.000 jaar en de hele planeet omspant.
Woensdag 30 mrt 2022 20:00 uur
22 03 22
The Betrayal of Anne Frank: A Refutation

On January 17, 2022 a self-appointed ‘Cold Case Team’ broke the news: they claimed that they had most likely found the betrayer of Anne Frank and her family. In a carefully launched worldwide media campaign the CCT claimed that they had been able to reach this breakthrough by using new AI methods and forensic research. A collective team of Dutch historians now presents a bilingual Dutch-English report in which they critically review the main arguments of The Betrayal of Anne Frank.

Dinsdag 22 mrt 2022 20:00 uur
22 03 22
Conspiracy Theories and the Internet
Everything is Connected

The internet and conspiracy theories: two phenomena from today’s world that are both omnipresent, intangible and closely entangled. How should we understand the relation between the internet and the making and shaping of conspiracy theories?

Dinsdag 22 mrt 2022 17:00 uur
21 03 22
Interdisciplinarity Beyond the Buzzword
Childhood Obesity in Perspective

One in five children in Amsterdam is overweight, which has proven a difficult problem to solve. Obesity is multifaceted, originating from and persisting due to a combination of medical, social and political factors. This is why an interdisciplinary view is key towards lowering this percentage of overweight kids. Together with Amsterdam’s chief scientific officer Caroline Nevejan, Amsterdam Young Academy will present such a multifaceted view of childhood obesity, marking the launch of Interdisciplinarity beyond the buzzword: a guide to academic work across disciplines.

Maandag 21 mrt 2022 17:00 uur
15 03 22
Week against Racism 2022
Indigenous Knowledge in Academia

Who decides what is valid knowledge and what is not? During this event we challenge the disbalances of power between Indigenous knowledge and Western scientific knowledge.

Dinsdag 15 mrt 2022 16:00 uur
14 03 22
Week tegen Racisme 2022
Verbindend leiderschap

‘The point is not to become a leader, the point is to empower others.’ Met een verkenning van verbindend leiderschap trappen wij de Week tegen Racisme 2022 af. Wat is het belang van deze week voor het hoger onderwijs en hoe draagt een visie op verbindend leiderschap bij aan de doelstellingen van de Week?

Maandag 14 mrt 2022 18:30 uur
11 03 22
The Complexities of Black Life in the Netherlands

On the occasion of the publication of Francio Guadeloupe’s new book Black Man in the Netherlands: an Afro-Antillean Anthropology, various scholars studying Dutch realities of racism, the afterlife of colonialism, conviviality and urban popular culture join the author in conversation.

Vrijdag 11 mrt 2022 20:00 uur
04 03 22
Small c vs. big C: How Computational Infrastructures Capture Technical and Social Imaginary for Public Life

In recent years, the communications, sociality and operations of public institutions have become increasingly dependent on Computational Infrastructures provided by Big Tech. From decentralized contact tracing apps for public health to free online school classrooms for education: Computational Infrastructures have rapidly expanded their remit. This conversation will center on how institutions and the lives they are tasked with supporting, are impacted by Computational Infrastructures.

Vrijdag 4 mrt 2022 17:00 uur
24 02 22
Cooperation with Partner Countries
Fighting Global Deforestation

Deforestation is widely recognized as a major source of global environmental degradation and climate change, while also contributing in many countries to rampant illegality and violations of community rights. In this second session of the Fighting Global Deforestation symposium, we explore how best to develop the provisions of the proposed EU regulation for supply-side cooperation with producer countries.

Donderdag 24 feb 2022 10:00 uur
16 02 22
A Fundamental Force Revisited

Gravity is a force that seems central to us walking around on this globe, but how essential is it in a physicist’s world? In physics there are considered to be four fundamental forces; interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions. A couple of years ago, professor Erik Verlinde proposed a new theory of gravity that challenges the conventional idea that it is a fundamental force.

Woensdag 16 feb 2022 20:00 uur
01 02 22
The EU’s Proposed Regulation
Fighting Global Deforestation

Deforestation is widely recognized as a major source of global environmental degradation and climate change, while also contributing in many countries to rampant illegality and violations of community rights. In this panel discussion we will consider the ambitious goals and innovative provisions of EU deforestation regulation, focusing particularly on the proposed EU demand-side measures, and the practical challenges of making them work effectively.

Dinsdag 1 feb 2022 15:00 uur
15 12 21
Musicality Explained
Chords of the Brain

December; that time of the year when you praise yourself with your amazing and unique music taste while unwrapping your Spotify or voting for the Top2000. Music plays an important role in many people’s lives. We enjoy listening to it on the radio or live at a concert, while many people also learn how to play instruments themselves. Why do we value music so much; are there biological or social explanations for this?

Woensdag 15 dec 2021 16:00 uur
09 12 21
LGBT+ Politics and Representation

The year 2021 marks a milestone for the representation of LGBT+ people in Dutch politics, as the first trans woman was elected into parliament. This evening, academics, politicians and activists from the US and the Netherlands draw lessons from a trans-Atlantic comparison of LGBT+ rights and representation, discuss the challenges of cracking the LGBT+ glass ceiling, and formulate strategies towards more inclusive politics.

Donderdag 9 dec 2021 20:00 uur
06 12 21
How Do Platforms Reshape the Cultural Industries?

The widespread uptake of digital platforms – from YouTube and Instagram to Twitch and TikTok – is reconfiguring cultural production in profound, complex, and highly uneven ways. Longstanding media industries are experiencing tremendous upheaval, while new industrial formations – live-streaming, social media influencing, and podcasting, among others – are evolving at breakneck speed. What are the implications of the rise of platforms for how cultural producers create, distribute, market, and monetize cultural content and services?

Maandag 6 dec 2021 17:00 uur
01 12 21
How Connectivity Causes Conflict
The Age of Unpeace

We thought connecting the world would bring lasting peace. Instead, it is driving us apart. In this new Visions of Europe lecture, Mark Leonard will present his newly published book The Age of Unpeace: How Connectivity Causes Conflict (Penguin Books), discussing rising tensions in our increasingly connected world.

Woensdag 1 dec 2021 20:00 uur
24 11 21
From Brexit to the Covid-19 pandemic
EU Collective Power in Action

Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, that morphed into an existential crisis for the single currency, the EU has been beset by crises amounting to a polycrisis. In this new Visions of Europe lecture, Brigid Laffan will analyse the EU’s response to two of those crises, Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic

Woensdag 24 nov 2021 17:00 uur
23 11 21
The Politics of Making Vaccines

Since the first vaccines against Covid-19 were approved, at the end of 2020, the question of where they come from and who makes them, has acquired a new significance. Vaccine development was coming to reflect political rivalries reminiscent of the Cold War. If vaccines are so crucial to the preservation of human life, to the functioning of our societies, is reliance on profit-oriented corporations really wise? During this event, scientist from all over the world join together to discuss the matter of vaccine geopolitics.

Dinsdag 23 nov 2021 20:00 uur
23 11 21
City Regeneration Through Film
Footage in the Ruins

How do screen productions, ranging from music videos shot in a decrepit former factory in London to an amateur film made in a war-torn Syrian town, generate value in ruined locations? In this NIAS talk we explore the ways in which cinema and TV productions extract value from these urban locations and the consequences for the people living here.

Dinsdag 23 nov 2021 16:00 uur
17 11 21
Why and When Men and Women Make Different Career Choices
Gender Bias at Work

Progress to achieve the UN’s sustainable development goal of fostering gender equality is slow. Regarding both work field and hierarchical level, women and men still have different career outcomes. A vast body of research has shown gender stereotypes to be a main contributor to this inequality: stereotypes bias hiring, evaluation, promotion decisions, and individuals’ own career-decisions. In this lecture, Tanja Hentschel delves into the different career paths women and men take.

Woensdag 17 nov 2021 16:00 uur
11 11 21
A Great Place to Visit, a Hard Place to Live
The Ottoman Empire and Turkey

In this keynote lecture of the conference Narrating Exile in and Between Europe and the Ottoman Empire/Modern Turkey Edhem Eldem will discuss the ongoing movement of people between Europe and Turkey.

Donderdag 11 nov 2021 17:00 uur
10 11 21
Staying Healthy in a Medieval City

How was public health organised in premodern societies, and does our knowledge about the more distant past relate to experience of pandemic and public health and environmental challenges today? Various historians explore these and other questions following the publication of Community Urban Health and Environment in the Late Medieval Low Countries, in which Janna Coomans debunks the myth of medieval cities as apathetic towards filth and disease.

Woensdag 10 nov 2021 17:00 uur
09 11 21
Miles Davis’s Breakthrough Soundtrack
Jazz Intimacies on Screen

What is the role of jazz music in movies and on soundtracks? Ashley Kahn and Jonathan Gill discuss music and film and dive into the legendary trumpeter Miles Davis’s groundbreaking soundtrack to the 1958 film Elevator to the Gallows (Lift Naar Het Schavot). How did Davis fall into this project, how did he develop the haunting music, and how did this experience shape his career? These and other questions will shed light on a historically creative moment that had greater impact than most realize.

Dinsdag 9 nov 2021 20:00 uur
05 11 21
An evening with Saša Stanišić and Annemarie Vlaming
European Literature Prize 2021

This evening celebrates the winners of the Europese Literatuurprijs (European Literature Prize) 2021: writer Saša Stanišić and translator Annemarie Vlaming will be awarded the prize for the Dutch edition of Stanišić’s novel Herkunft/Herkomst. Together with jury members Manon Uphoff (chair) and Marieke de Groot, Stanišić and Vlaming will dive into the art of writing and translating.

Vrijdag 5 nov 2021 20:00 uur
04 11 21
Zoe Strimpel
The Pre-Tinder Dating Era

If online dating was not already the way to go, the pandemic has definitely ensured its monopolistic position in the world of love and match making. The ubiquity of dating apps makes it very hard to imagine what being single and finding a partner were like before the reign of these apps. In this talk, Zoe Strimpel explores dating, gender, and singles culture in the pre-Tinder era.

Donderdag 4 nov 2021 17:00 uur
01 11 21
Lea Ypi in gesprek met Pieter van Os
Een jeugd in communistisch Albanië

De internationaal gerenommeerde politicoloog en filosoof Lea Ypi groeide op in communistisch Albanië, destijds een van de meest geïsoleerde landen ter wereld waar communistische idealen de plaats van religie hadden ingenomen. Deze avond gaat Ypi in gesprek met Pieter van Os over haar memoires Vrij (De Bezige Bij), waarin ze terugblikt op haar jeugd en op zoek gaat naar de ware betekenis van vrijheid.

Maandag 1 nov 2021 20:00 uur
28 10 21
Slavery in the Cultural Imagination
Silent/Loud Voices/Bodies

On the occasion of the conference Slavery in the Cultural Imagination: Voices of Dissent in the Neerlandophone Space, we delve into the musical imagination. Experts from various backgrounds explore silent and loud voices and bodies, of the past and present of slavery. In doing so, we aim to reveal collective emotions and imaginations that cannot be recorded from most historical sources.

Donderdag 28 okt 2021 20:30 uur
15 10 21
Rahul Rao
The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality

Political theorist Rahul Rao investigates the impact and memory of the colonial encounter on the politics of sexuality and religiosity and on contemporary homophobic moral panics. This afternoon Rao will trace the encounters and entanglements across geopolitical divides that produce and contest contemporary queerphobias.

Vrijdag 15 okt 2021 14:00 uur
14 10 21
Virtual Visions of Europe
The EU Green Deal

In a new Visions of Europe lecture Tony Agotha will speak about the need for a green transition for the health and well-being of all, the trailblazing role of the European Green Deal, and the challenge of the Climate Summit in Glasgow.

Donderdag 14 okt 2021 20:00 uur