Utopies: Conférence Euro-topies

What were the objectives of the European Union at its creation? To what extent is the utopia of peace that united its founding members threatened today? And what are the stakes and realities of today’s migratory flows?

LET OP! De voertaal van dit programma is Engels.

‘L’utopie, c’est l’avenir qui s’efforce de naître.’ – Victor Hugo

This event is part of Le Festival UTOPIES. The festival will offer an eclectic programme of concerts, debates, documentary screenings and meetings in a variety of locations throughout Amsterdam. For this first edition, let’s think, explore, sing and dance our utopias! We will discuss the European Union and the utopies that formed it. We invite them to discuss the objectives, challenges and realities of the European territory. Does the myth of Fortress Europe still hold today?

Buy your ticket here: https://www.afamsterdam.nl/community/event-rsvp/?event_id=260

Note that this program will not be livestreamed, however the recording will come available afterwards on our YouTube channel

About the speaker

Dimitris Soudias is the Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, and member in the theme group ‘The Politics of (De)familiarization’ at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study (NIAS). His research is informed by economic sociology, and cultural economy approaches to the study of such issues as creativity, happiness, entrepreneurship, uncertainty, and the social economy.

Florian Lippert is Associate Professor, Vice Chair and Profile Coordinator of European Culture and Literature at the University of Groningen ; he currently is a Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study (NIAS) in Amsterdam.

Luiza Bialasiewicz is Professor of European Governance at the University of Amsterdam and the academic co-director of ACES. As a political geographer, her work examines the intersections between geopolitics and everyday politics. Most recently, she has written on the contentious politics of the pandemic, including the politics of vaccines as well as anti-lockdown protests.

Antoine Mouteau (moderator) was born in 1986 and grew up in Dunkirk near the Belgian border. Before entering the Toulouse School of Journalism, he studied Dutch. Before moving to the Netherlands as a correspondent, he worked for several years in the editorial office of ARTE’s news programme, “ARTE Journal”, at the channel’s headquarters in Strasbourg. Since his arrival in the Netherlands in 2015, he works mainly for ARTE Journal (for which he covers the Netherlands and Scandinavia). He is also a correspondent in the Netherlands for other media such as Courrier International, Radio France, Radio France Internationale, RTBF, RTS and Le Soir.

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