
Engelstalig evenement
SPUI25 in spe
26 09 24
The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today

What is the place of psychoanalysis in facing human suffering, in the context of the current discontents in civilization? More than a century after its invention by Freud, an attempt was made to return to Lacan’s formula that defines psychoanalysis as a therapy unlike any other.

Donderdag 26 sep 2024 20:00 uur
25 09 24
Reframing Nature: Tracing Shifting Ecologies through Art

Depictions of the natural world in art offer profound insights into historical perspectives on humanity’s relationship with nature. In conversation with Estelle Zhong Mengual, Julia Kantelberg and Colin Sterling, we discuss the relation between aesthetics and ecology. How might art help us rethink our place within the natural world?

Woensdag 25 sep 2024 17:00 uur
16 07 24
Revolutionizing Healthcare
The Twin Within

Ever heard of a virtual human twin (VHT)? It’s a digital representation of a human health or disease state. They refer to different levels of human anatomy (e.g. cells, tissues, organs or organ systems). VHTs are built using software models and data and are designed to mimic and predict behavior of their physical counterparts, including interaction with additional diseases a person may have.

Dinsdag 16 jul 2024 19:00 uur
Toegang vanaf
04 07 24
Lecture Axel Honneth
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. Postcolonialism and the West

There are many ways to understand the theoretical and political claims of recent postcolonialism. In this lecture, Axel Honneth understands it as a powerful and fully legitimate attempt to raise awareness of the fact that colonialism is still oppressively present in the West, even in an age that presents itself as postcolonial. In order to meet this challenge, Honneth will explore in what ways European culture needs to change its own self-understanding with regard to the past, the present and the future.

Donderdag 4 jul 2024 20:00 uur
01 07 24
German Climate Activism and Policy Today

After 2023 was confirmed to have been the hottest year ever recorded, NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt warned that “it could imply that a warming planet is already fundamentally altering how the climate system operates, much sooner than scientists had anticipated.” In this context, Sabine von Mering will provide an assessment of current German climate activism and policy, including the impact of the European parliament election of June 2024 and what will be at stake for climate policy in the German federal election of 2025.

Maandag 1 jul 2024 20:00 uur
01 07 24
The Female Impact: 17th Century Women on the Dutch Art Market

Since 2021 the Female Impact project has been studying the impact of women artists, patrons, and other prominent women on the seventeenth-century Dutch art market. What are their latest insights? And which hurdles lie ahead? During the project’s annual summer event, short presentations covering a wide range of topics will show where the Female Impact stands today.

Maandag 1 jul 2024 17:00 uur
28 06 24
James Montague on 'Among the Ultras'
A journey with the world’s most extreme football fans

During the UEFA European Championship, we will encounter them. At the beginning of next football season: they will dominate the debate again. They are a hugely visible and controversial part of the global game. Yet they remain unknown: an anti-establishment force that is transforming both football and politics. Ultras are football fans like no others. James Montague traveled the world and went underground to uncover the true face of this dissident force.

Vrijdag 28 jun 2024 20:00 uur
27 06 24
On the afterlives of history and ideological upbringing in Greece and beyond
Niki means Victory – but over what?

On the occasion of the Dutch translation in 2023 of the novel Niki (2014) by the Greek writer Christos Chomenidis – longlisted for the (Dutch) European Literature Prize – the author will have a conversation with Michel Krielaars and Elke Weesjes about the myths and realities around ideological forms of education in Greece, the Netherlands, and former communist states, and the multiple afterlives of history in the present.

Donderdag 27 jun 2024 17:00 uur
25 06 24
Debating The Incarcerations in India
The Ruins of the World’s Largest Electoral Democracy

The Incarcerations, a finalist for the 2024 Orwell Prize, exposes the collapse of democracy in the world’s largest democracy through the chilling story of the arrests of the BK-16: professors, lawyers, journalists, poets fighting for the rights of India’s three main minorities – Adivasi, Dalits and Muslims – imprisoned, without credible evidence and without trial.

Dinsdag 25 jun 2024 17:00 uur
24 06 24
Diagonalism and the Crisis of Liberalism Series
A Hero’s Journey? Ideological Entrepreneurs and Reactionary Digital Politics

This is the first talk in a series that looks at how the disruptive affordances and practices of global digital culture relate to political reconfigurations symptomatic of a broader crisis of liberalism. Tonight, Alan Finlayson will explain what “reactionary digital politics” is, how it is shaped by “ideological entrepreneurs,” and how this is reconfiguring our understanding of what it is to be political.

Maandag 24 jun 2024 20:00 uur
18 06 24
Decolonising La Mer Mortelle
Infrastructures of Displacement & Racialised Boundaries

EU countries have the most mortal borders of the world, with thousands of deaths of African and Middle Eastern people each year and many more detained or living under deplorable circumstances as “illegal”—which makes them easily exploitable and deportable people. In this third edition of Decolonising La Mer Mortelle, we will focus on the structural, infrastructural and longue durée colonial legacies in current migration policies and ideologies.

Dinsdag 18 jun 2024 20:00 uur
18 06 24
From the Noordzeekanaal to the ‘Weesperstraatknip’
Planning for the Future

The Dutch are famous for their tradition of landscape and urban planning. Since the abandonment of central planning in 2004 and the liquidation of the relevant ministry (VROM) in 2010, this tradition has eroded. As the negative effects of this willful neglect pile up around Dutch landscapes and communities, new and daring initiatives abound. This program will discuss what is to be gained and what is to be lost, taking as cases one major Amsterdam-related classical planning project and one recent local experiment.

Dinsdag 18 jun 2024 17:00 uur
13 06 24
The History, Art, and Design of LSD Blotter

Tonight, author and scholar Erik Davis presents his latest book, Blotter: the Untold Story of an Acid Medium, the first illustrated history and analysis of LSD blotter art. Davis will be joined by blotter maker Ed Visser and Erwan Le Roux, who will explore the role that Amsterdam played in the underground blotter trade.

Donderdag 13 jun 2024 20:00 uur
12 06 24
Objective Data? The Ways That Gender Bias Can Enter the Data Pipeline

Data is not objective. In this event, we discuss how gender bias infiltrates the data pipeline, shaping the algorithmic outputs encountered in everyday experiences.

Woensdag 12 jun 2024 17:00 uur
11 06 24
European Elections Outcome and the Future of European Politics

European citizens are going to the polls between 6 and 9 June 2024. During this roundtable, experts will discuss the outcome of the European Parliament elections and its implications for the future of Europe.

Dinsdag 11 jun 2024 17:00 uur
10 06 24
Science for All
The 2024 OSCAwards

Do you think a transparent research culture is important? Do you get enthusiastic about community engagement and science communication? Are you curious what projects are currently contributing to Open Science? Join us for the Open Science Community Amsterdam Awards. It’s a way to meet the community and get to know what Open Science is about.

Maandag 10 jun 2024 17:00 uur
05 06 24
Who do we swipe right for and why?
Summer of Algorithmic Love

Are we approaching a summer of algorithmic love? Developments in romantic matchmaking are being fueled by the mundane practice of swiping upon potential partners on dating apps. These apps appear to feed us recommendations of possible lovers, but we are going to dive a level deeper and ask how these recommendations actually interact with our romantic and sexual preferences.

Woensdag 5 jun 2024 20:00 uur
03 06 24
Game Changer or Consumer Deterrent to Meaningful Action?
True Pricing

Retail prices currently fail to account for negative externalities, such as CO2 emissions or worker exploitation. These costs now end up in society and will affect the well-being of future generations. true pricing incorporates these social and/or environmental costs into the retail price of a product. Is true pricing a game changer that will fundamentally alter the way we produce and consume goods? Or does it deter consumers from taking meaningful action? Researchers and businesses share their thoughts and explore the future of true pricing together.

Maandag 3 jun 2024 12:00 uur
31 05 24
Co-Radicalisation of Young Europeans
Nativist and Islamist Radicalism in Europe

From 2019 to 2024, Ayhan Kaya did extensive research on what’s causing radicalization among young Europeans with backgrounds both ‘native’ and ‘Muslim’ focusing on radical Islamism and right-wing extremism. In the past two decades since 9/11, these two groups have been studied separately, emphasizing the polarization between them. In reality, they face similar problems like being marginalized in society economically, politically, and psychologically.

Vrijdag 31 mei 2024 17:00 uur
29 05 24
Challenging discriminatory algorithms through legal means
The Meta Case

Is Facebook potentially violating Dutch equality laws? In this event, leading up to a hearing of the case before the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights against digital giant Meta, we delve into the origins of this Meta Case and engage in a broader conversation about how technological developments can reflect, identify, and address societal issues such as sexism, racism, and other types of discrimination.

Woensdag 29 mei 2024 17:00 uur
28 05 24
EU Food Governance after the Farmers’ Protests

Over the last months, farmers across Europe have been protesting against EU environmental policies – and EU policy makers seem to have been listening. The promises of the European Green Deal and of the Farm to Fork Strategy seem to belong to a different era. How can the link between environmental and social sustainability, and food production be revived?

Dinsdag 28 mei 2024 20:00 uur
28 05 24
Stories of Genocide Survivors in Graphic Novels
Witnesses of Violence

Our perspectives on the past are largely shaped by the stories of those who experienced it. Especially when it comes to sweeping, violent events of 20th-century history, personal stories help us understand the past. During this event, witnesses, researchers and artists explore in what ways graphic novels can capture stories of violence and genocide. As a creative interpretation, graphic novels do not claim to provide a direct or all-encompassing record of events, yet they visualize their later impact.

Dinsdag 28 mei 2024 17:00 uur
27 05 24
Democracy Erodes from the Top: Leaders, Citizens, and the Challenge of Populism in Europe

A seeming explosion of support for right-wing populist parties has triggered widespread fears that liberal democracy is facing its worst crisis since the 1930s. In his book Democracy Erodes from the Top, Larry Bartels reveals that the real crisis stems not from an increasingly populist public but from political leaders who exploit or mismanage the chronic vulnerabilities of democracy. Bartels will engage in a conversation with Nik de Boer and Sarah de Lange. Moderator: Ursula Daxecker.

Maandag 27 mei 2024 20:00 uur
23 05 24
Resisting Data Colonialism: A Practical Intervention

Some people think that colonialism is long over, while others are sure it has never stopped. This event marks the launch of a book exploring a third possibility: not only is colonialism still continuing, but right now it is morphing into possibly its most powerful version yet. This is data colonialism.

Donderdag 23 mei 2024 17:00 uur
22 05 24
Campaign Dynamics and Citizen Perspectives
The European Parliament Elections 2024

The campaigns for the European Parliament elections are currently gaining momentum across Europe as 400 million voters will be heading to the polls between 6 and 9 June 2024. During this event, Wouter van der Brug, Katjana Gattermann, Elske van den Hoogen, and Theresa Kuhn will talk about major developments in the campaigns and analyse citizen perspectives towards Europe and the elections.

Woensdag 22 mei 2024 17:00 uur
21 05 24
Insights from the first female mayor of Bogotá
The War on Drugs and Violence in Colombia

This evening Claudia López, the first woman elected mayor of Bogotá, and an expert on violence in Colombia, will reflect on the persistence of violence, its connection to the war on drugs, and the peace process. Juan Masullo, an expert on civilian resistance to armed groups and the influence of the war on drugs in Latin America, will contribute insights from academia. Abbey Steele will moderate the discussion.

Dinsdag 21 mei 2024 20:00 uur
21 05 24
An event with Anita L. Allen
Postmortem Privacy

In 1903, a lawyer called W. Archibald McClean predicted that whatever “the future dominion of the right to privacy” would be, it would be built on the premise “that whatever right of privacy an individual has, dies with him or her.” Call this traditional view the “no-privacy-right-for-the-dead” doctrine. In this event, Anita Allen will discuss with other experts how today, a more sustained consideration of postmortem privacy is essential.

Dinsdag 21 mei 2024 17:00 uur
17 05 24
Breaking the Meme: Critical Meme Reader III Launch

Memes are more than funny cat images on the internet. There are not even statistics available of how many memes are created and consumed every day, so it makes sense to look at them critically. Memes can have a tangible impact on the society we live in and could help create a future we would want. Join us for the launch of the Critical Meme Reader III: Breaking the Meme, edited by Chloë Arkenbout and Idil Galip.

Vrijdag 17 mei 2024 17:00 uur
26 04 24
Concentration Camps as Instruments of Terror: From Bosnia to Syria

Most people equate concentration camps with Nazi Germany, for a good reason. However, mass detention and incarceration was an instrument of oppressive regimes before Hitler, and lasts until this very day. From Bosnia in the 1990s to Syria in our days, the persistence of this destructive practice calls for a thorough reflection.

Vrijdag 26 apr 2024 17:00 uur
25 04 24
Heads above the Water? Writing History in the Anthropocene

Is history still relevant as accelerating climate change is rapidly transforming the world we live in? In her lecture, Sandra Maß explores the different layers of this pressing question and calls for a new type of historiography.

Donderdag 25 apr 2024 17:00 uur
22 04 24
Rising AI and the Concentration of Corporate Power

Technology reshapes our societies. AI, platform economy and other technological developments are remaking our daily routines, practices, and ways of being in the world. These changes also come with shifts in power dynamics between corporations, states, and citizens, giving rise to novel political questions. This multidisciplinary event delves into the concentration of power held by Big Tech companies, the societal challenges arising from this concentration, and potential strategies to uphold public imperatives.

Maandag 22 apr 2024 20:00 uur
19 04 24
With Shannon Dea
Academic Freedom in a Polarized Age

What are the values a public university must stand for in a polarized age? How should a university defend and conceptualize these values in practice and in dialogue with students, staff, and the wider academic community? These and other challenges will be discussed this afternoon with Professor Dr. Shannon Dea, a leading public thinker on academic freedom.

Vrijdag 19 apr 2024 17:00 uur
18 04 24
From Anthropocene to Symbiocene: Earth Emotions with Glenn Albrecht

In his ground-breaking book Earth Emotions, Glenn Albrecht provides an account of the relationship between the state of the Earth and our mental and emotional states. He argues that in the epoch known as the Anthropocene, we have threatened both the health of the planet and triggered an avalanche of mental and emotional distress on humans and non-humans. During this lecture, Albrecht proposes to supplant anthropocentric living and thinking by symbiocentric alternatives. These can emerge from positive “psychoterratic” states.

Donderdag 18 apr 2024 17:00 uur
16 04 24
European Populism and the Looming European Parliamentary Elections

After a very turbulent few years, populism remains a defining feature of ongoing electoral politics in Europe and the world.  This last year we’ve seen some reversals in the hold that (radical right) populist parties have – such as the electoral defeat of Poland’s Law and Justice party, but also major new gains – such as the electoral victory of Wilders’s PVV in the Netherlands. This evening, scholars Sarah de Lange, Robin de Bruin, and Brian Burgoon will discuss the different aspects of populist politics in Europe and the World.

Dinsdag 16 apr 2024 20:00 uur
15 04 24
Confronting (Historical) Responsibility for the Holocaust and Slavery in a Relational Perspective
Beyond ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’

The question how to study, teach and remember historical mass crimes, above all the Holocaust and Slavery, has become emblematic in recent years. This 3rd Balzan Bystanding Lecture takes up the challenge and provides grounds for a relational perspective based on new conceptual thinking from the field of Transitional Justice and fresh empirical work on how Dutch teachers address these issues in their every-day educational work.

Maandag 15 apr 2024 20:00 uur
28 03 24
The Return of Paranoid Nationalism

“We are going to ensure that the Netherlands belong to the Dutch again,” promised a triumphant Geert Wilders after the unexpected PVV victory in the 2023 elections. It is tempting to dismiss such statements as an expression of gut feeling, of unthinking xenophobia. But the ideas expressed by Wilders are based on a coherent world view, an ideology. In this lecture, Annelien de Dijn will argue that this ideology can best be described as paranoid nationalism.

Donderdag 28 mrt 2024 20:00 uur
25 03 24
Long Live Queer Nightlife! (Amsterdam Edition)

In his new book Long Live Queer Nightlife, acclaimed author Amin Ghaziani unveils the unexpected revolution revitalizing urban nightlife. It is an exhilarating journey into underground parties, pulsating with life and limitless possibility. Tonight, Ghaziani discusses his encounters and experiences with Haroon Ali and Jan Willem Duyvendak.

Maandag 25 mrt 2024 20:00 uur
20 03 24
Green Clouds? Towards Sustainable Data Infrastructure

In our rapidly digitizing world, the demand for data storage and processing has surged, leading to the proliferation of data centers and cloud computing infrastructure. However, this exponential growth comes with significant environmental costs, as data infrastructure consumes vast amounts of energy and contribute to carbon emissions. This roundtable addresses this pressing issue, delving into the critical intersection of technology and environmental sustainability from the civil society perspective.

Woensdag 20 mrt 2024 20:00 uur
14 03 24
Fritz Haber (1868-1934): The Scientist Who Fed the World and Poisoned the Enemy

Hardly any biography reflects the contradictions of the early 20th century as dramatically as that of Fritz Haber. The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize for the pioneering invention of artificial fertilisers, but he also introduced poison gas as a weapon in World War I. In this lecture, Stefan Wolff will be speaking about his research on Haber and related questions about the social responsibility of science and the influence of politics on it. Moderation: Mario Daniels.

Donderdag 14 mrt 2024 20:00 uur
14 03 24
Multiple Perspectives on Emerging Curiosity in Societal Contexts

We value curiosity as an important driver of human evolution, society, art and intellect—and rightly so. But what is curiosity? How, when and where does it develop? What happens when that development is interrupted, or cut short? And how can we make sure that, when it is, the personal and societal consequences are minimised and addressed?

Donderdag 14 mrt 2024 17:00 uur
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