
Engelstalig evenement
SPUI25 in spe
26 01 23
The Making of Democracy in Western Europe after 1945
The Certainties of the Past?

Democracy has a long history; or, perhaps more exactly, it has a long past. The electoral and political volatility which has been evident in Europe during the first two decades of the twenty-first century has created a widespread sense that a past era of democratic certainties has ended. That generates civic and intellectual challenges for our present era. But it also enables us to reassess the supposed certainties of past history. How far can we still regard the history of Western Europe in the second half of the century as a democratic era? Or should we now see it as a similar era of political uncertainties?

Donderdag 26 jan 2023 20:00 uur
26 01 23
Science for All: the 2023 OSCAwards

Do you think a transparent research culture is important? Do you get enthusiastic about engaging society in science? Do you want to know more about open education, open data and open access? Join us for the Open Science Community Amsterdam Awards and learn about which projects are currently contributing to Open Science in Amsterdam.

Donderdag 26 jan 2023 17:00 uur
25 01 23
On the long-term health effects of war and humanitarian crises
The Holodomor and Health Heritage

Russia’s deliberate war strategy in Ukraine has disrupted agriculture and food storage and distribution systems to hinder food supplies to the population. The war has created an immediate health and humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions inside and outside Ukraine. Furthermore, research on past wars and conflicts points out that the current crisis could have long-term health repercussions. Tonight, experts will discuss this “health heritage” by taking the case study of the Holodomor, the 1932-1934 period of extreme famine in Soviet Ukraine.

Woensdag 25 jan 2023 20:00 uur
20 01 23
The Law, Politics and Practice of Delegated Rulemaking in the European Union

In this one-day workshop we aim to rekindle the tripartite dialogue on the topic of delegated rulemaking in the European Union (‘EU’) among legal scholars, political scientists and policymakers through the lenses of law, political science and institutional practice.

Vrijdag 20 jan 2023 09:30 uur
12 01 23
The Hohenzollern Debate: The German Royal Family and the Nazis

In Germany, a fierce debate has recently developed on the links between the old royal family Hohenzollern and the Nazis. This issue was raised after the Hohenzollern had claimed restitution from the state for the Soviet expropriations of their property after 1945. In order to get approval for its claim, the Hohenzollern family has to prove that their ancestors did not substantially support the Nazis in their rise to power. In the ensuing legal proceedings and public discussion over this issue historians have become sought-after experts and important witnesses. Stephan Malinowski is one of them.

Donderdag 12 jan 2023 20:00 uur
09 01 23
Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI

At this year’s Dies Natalis of the University of Amsterdam, Professor dr. Vikram Patel (Harvard University) and Prof. dr. Chris Manning (Stanford University) will be awarded Honorary Doctorates. During this symposium, a panel of expert speakers will join our honorees to discuss pertinent topics within the fields of mental health and the use of artificial intelligence on a global scale.

Maandag 9 jan 2023 09:30 uur
14 12 22
Infrastructural Distortion and Possession

Global internet infrastructure is increasingly becoming part of geopolitical conflicts. However, politics have always been an inherent part of communication infrastructures. One could even argue that the internet infrastructure has been a field of reconfiguration of global power for decades, we just failed to see it. 

Woensdag 14 dec 2022 20:00 uur
13 12 22
Secrets of the Sea in Times of Climate Breakdown

Despite its many secrets and wonders, oceans have been under threat for years. Corals are dying and sea life is disappearing. Although this is a global phenomenon, some people are affected more than others—and as with many a climate issue, these inequalities bear witness of the afterlife of (post)colonialism. In this talk, we shed light on the ambiguous nature of marine protection and the colonial dimensions of ocean health.

Dinsdag 13 dec 2022 17:00 uur
08 12 22
Transnationalizing the History of Germany’s First Democracy
Weimar Between East and West

For a long time, research on the Weimar Republic has implicitly assumed a comparison with Western European (liberal) democracy. More recent research emphasizes that the Weimar Republic should also and even especially be understood in the context of Central and Eastern European democracies. In this lecture, historian Thomas Mergel argues for a much broader, transnational perspective on the Weimar Republic.

Donderdag 8 dec 2022 17:00 uur
29 11 22
Over een verleden van dynastieën
De harten van de wereldgeschiedenis

Historicus Simon Sebag Montefiore spreekt aan de hand van zijn nieuwe boek De wereld over een nieuw soort wereldgeschiedenis; van de Inca’s en de Ottomanen, tot de Habsburgers en de Kennedy’s. Voor Montefiore vormen deze machtige dynastieën een mondiale geschiedenis die alle tijdperken en continenten overspant en waarin familiebanden centraal staan.

Dinsdag 29 nov 2022 20:00 uur
25 11 22
Ukraine’s Strategic Choices and Future Geopolitics

On November 25 it will be nine months since the beginning of Putin’s three-day blitzkrieg. Ukraine is resolutely holding out and showing notable progress in repelling the aggressor. Having failed on the battlefield with its army largely degraded and in rout, the Russian regime has doubled down on missile and drone attacks on the energy grid, and resorted to a nuclear blackmail aiming to undermine Ukraine’s will to resist and the Western resolve to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom. During this event, Professor Oleksandr Bogomolov will present the Ukrainian perspective on the current situation and various future scenarios.

Vrijdag 25 nov 2022 17:00 uur
23 11 22
Politics of (Dis)Connection

The possible establishment of a sovereign internet in Russia, European initiatives on Digital Sovereignty, and the conflict between China and the United States over Huawei equipment are rekindling the discussion on splinternets and the limits to global interconnectivity. 

Woensdag 23 nov 2022 20:00 uur
15 11 22
The Personalization of Politics in the European Union

The personalization of politics, whereby politicians increasingly become the main focus of political processes, is a prominent phenomenon in modern democracies that has received considerable scholarly attention in national politics. However, little is known about the scope, causes and consequences of personalization in European Union politics. In her new book, Katjana Gattermann studies the interplay between four key dimensions of personalization concerning institutions, media, politicians, and citizens in EU politics, and, at this book launch, she and her fellow speakers will discuss how her findings have important implications for the future of personalized politics in the European Union.

Dinsdag 15 nov 2022 17:00 uur
11 11 22
Memetic Tacticality Conference
Memes Beyond Images

The (political) power of memes has moved beyond virtual images. The distinction between the virtual and “real life” no longer applies, or perhaps was never really there. Their effects (or should we say affects) are moving through digital infrastructures, policy, regulations and bodies. If memes are used as a tool by the alt-right to mobilize people to storm the Capitol and play a substantial role in the Ukrainian war, can they also be used by the left to spark a revolution, as memetic warfare is more immediate and accessible than real-life demonstrations? What kind of labor would that require? What kind of tools and principles would we need? And what if memetic logics of spreading information were applied to spread progressive ideas for a possible future?

Vrijdag 11 nov 2022 10:00 uur
10 11 22
Isaac Roet Prize
Empowering Young People

Every year the Isaac Roet Prize is awarded to a young researcher who offers a solution to a social problem and thereby contributes to a better world. In this event, we present the first two projects that received this prize. Francesca Ranalli helps teenagers build places in their neighbourhoods that make them feel at home. And Anna Bosshard, the winner of 2022, motivates young residents of Amsterdam to reduce their clothing consumption.

Donderdag 10 nov 2022 17:00 uur
09 11 22
From Kandahar to Mazar
Afghanistan: A Year Later

In August 2021, the United States withdrew its last troops from Afghanistan ending its intervention of 20 years. What does the sudden change of power mean for the security in the country or access to education? How does the situation look like on the ground? And how can the Netherlands and the European Union remain involved in Afghanistan? Robbert van Lanschot and Wais Sediq will join in a conversation.

Woensdag 9 nov 2022 20:00 uur
09 11 22
Party Lines, Counterpropositions and (Post-)Socialist Spaces
Collectivities Otherwise

Picking up on a series of conversations spanning Kassel and Amsterdam around the recent documenta fifteen, Collectivities Otherwise is presented on the anniversary of the opening of the so-called Iron Curtain. We explore collectivity in this historical context and in critical relation to media technologies and socialist memory / memories of former East Germany, post-socialist Europe and Central Asia.

Woensdag 9 nov 2022 17:00 uur
08 11 22
SPUI25-jubileumlezing door Andrea Wulf
Rebelse genieën

Individualisme, zelfbeschikking, vrijheid: het zijn centrale begrippen in onze maatschappij. Toch waren deze ideeën lange tijd niet vanzelfsprekend. Speciaal voor het 15-jarig jubileum van SPUI25 komt Andrea Wulf naar Amsterdam om te spreken over de wervelende geschiedenis van de eerste romantici en de uitvinding van het ‘zelf’, neergeschreven in haar nieuwe boek Rebelse Genieën.

Dinsdag 8 nov 2022 20:00 uur
07 11 22
The Role of Russian Investigative Journalism in Today’s Society

In this event, prominent Russian investigative journalist Roman Anin (iStories) will comment on the war in Ukraine, mobilisation in Russia, Kremlin’s elites and the importance of investigative journalism and free press for Russia. Roman has a unique perspective into the mindset of Putin through a series of investigations.

Maandag 7 nov 2022 20:00 uur
04 11 22
How We Grow the World We Want
Viral Justice

Long before the pandemic, Ruha Benjamin was doing groundbreaking research on race, technology, and justice, focusing on big, structural changes. But the twin plagues of COVID-19 and anti-Black police violence inspired her to rethink the importance of small, individual actions. Part memoir, part manifesto, her new book Viral Justice is a sweeping and deeply personal exploration of how we can transform society through the choices we make every day.

Vrijdag 4 nov 2022 20:00 uur
03 11 22
Il-, anti-, non-: Liberalism and its Contestations

The developments of the last three decades—the rise of the populist right, globalisation of culture wars, sharpening ideological polarisation—have led scholars to think of novel ways to capture changing political realities. Widely-used terms such as ‘populism’, ‘conservatism’, or ‘democratic backsliding’, increasingly fall short in describing ongoing transformations including the disappearance of the ideological centre, the driving power of emotions, and blurring distinctions between the right and the left.

Donderdag 3 nov 2022 17:00 uur
01 11 22
Progress and Problems in the Study of Consciousness
From Matter to Mind

Understanding consciousness has been for centuries a subject of philosophical investigation, but only recently have scientists started to tackle this question. Some of the most influential philosophers and scientists in the field debate the recent progress (and the problems that remain) in the scientific study of consciousness.

Dinsdag 1 nov 2022 17:00 uur
27 10 22
The Ethical Dilemma of Artificial Intelligence
Moral Machines

In the middle of the 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI) will take many decisions on behalf of humans. Not to enslave people, but to save humanity, posits Roberto Simanowski in his talk. He looks back from the future to the present time, in which the first decisions for this development are made. Fiction for a better understanding of the present.

Donderdag 27 okt 2022 20:00 uur
20 10 22
The Older Woman in West Germany and Britain, 1950s-1980s
Navigating Gender Regimes in History

While post-war social scientists and historians devoted ample time to the study of youth, older demographic groups received comparatively less attention. In contrast, in her Amsterdam German Studies Lecture, Professor Christina von Hodenberg focuses on the agency of older women in post-war West-Germany and Britain.

Donderdag 20 okt 2022 17:00 uur
19 10 22
New Approaches to the History of Radio Archives
On the Record?

What voices from the past are preserved in Europe’s radio archives, and whose stories are excluded? A panel of academics and archival practitioners will discuss new scholarly work on the critical study of radio archives, examining how such work can inform our understandings of Europe’s past and present.

Woensdag 19 okt 2022 17:00 uur
13 10 22
Annual SPUI25 Lecture
The Role of the Writer – Witness or Commentator?

De veelbekroonde Amerikaanse auteur A.M. Homes onderzoekt in haar SPUI25-lezing de rol van de schrijver in de samenleving. Aan de hand van thema’s uit haar nieuwe boek De openbaring vraagt zij zich af: hoe schrijft een auteur fictie ten tijde van tumultueuze politieke en sociale polarisatie? Na haar lezing wordt A.M. Homes geïnterviewd door Margot Dijkgraaf.

Donderdag 13 okt 2022 20:00 uur
07 10 22
Cultural Norms and Ideas under the Microscope of Fashion Analysis
Fashion Theories

Fashion is a powerful force, an expression of personal identity and a significant marker of cultural realities. The clothes we adorn ourselves with relate to our own bodies but also signify how we relate to others. From political figureheads to subcultures and beyond, fashion is far more than just clothes. Tonight, AMFI’s Fashion Theories class of 2022 shines a light on fashion as a field of study.

Vrijdag 7 okt 2022 20:00 uur
07 10 22
New Trajectories in Comics Studies

After having secured a foothold in academia, comics studies has turned attention to further solidifying the field by drawing connections to other disciplines and theoretical inquiries. In this book launch, we take a look at the current state of this inherently interdisciplinary field through the publication of four recent books.

Vrijdag 7 okt 2022 17:00 uur
06 10 22
How to Live an Authentic Life?
Rebel Like Simone de Beauvoir

Philosopher, award-winning, author, existentialist, feminist icon–Simone de Beauvoir was one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. Her famous novel The Second Sex transformed our understanding of sex and gender. In her work, she develops an existentialism that differs from her male contemporaries’ theories. What does it mean to choose our own paths in life, in a world filled with people simultaneously striving to choose theirs?

Donderdag 6 okt 2022 20:00 uur
04 10 22
Controversy and Progress in Academia
Exploring Discourses on Feminism and Woke-ism

Both within and outside of academia, two umbrella terms cause much debate and stir emotions: so-called “woke-ism” and “cancel culture.” Importantly, many a heated discussion echoes earlier ones — going back to the early twentieth century. What do histories of social emancipation tell us about the use and abuse of these concepts? How does “woke” fit into an academic tradition of intergenerational collaboration that furthers progress in research and education?

Dinsdag 4 okt 2022 20:00 uur
30 09 22
Talking Populism

Populism is a widely debated topic, and it generates interest across the globe. As a result, a burgeoning literature deals with many aspects of populism and its links to pressing issues such as media freedom, minority rights, and separation of powers. The Populism Interviews captures these analyses. Editor of the volume, Luca Manucci, and two of the authors, Matthijs Rooduijn and Alessandro Nai, discuss working on this most controversial of issues.

Vrijdag 30 sep 2022 20:00 uur
30 09 22
Putin’s War and Germany’s New Foreign Policy

Putin’s war against Ukraine has ushered in the dawn of a new era or Zeitenwende. This is especially the case for Germany. In this talk, Professor Gunther Hellmann (Frankfurt/Main) will argue that hints of a pending turn-around started earlier than usually perceived. He further argues that the implications of the transformation in German foreign policy will most likely be more far-reaching than often assumed. 

Vrijdag 30 sep 2022 17:00 uur
22 09 22
National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism
The American Passport in Turkey

In their new book, The American Passport in Turkey: National Citizenship in the Age of Transnationalism, Özlem Altan-Olcay and Evren Balta explore the diverse meanings and values that people outside of the United States attribute to U.S. citizenship, specifically those who possess or seek to obtain U.S. citizenship while residing in Turkey. Tonight, Altan-Olcay will discuss their findings with expert guest speakers.

Donderdag 22 sep 2022 20:00 uur
20 09 22
How New Media Reshape Traditional News Agencies and Politics
Fake News, Lügenpresse, and Disinformation Campaigns in the US, Germany and Russia

With the coming of age of digital media, the social debates on the importance of fake news, media hoaxes and disinformation came into focus of analysts, scholars and politicians. Interestingly, this global phenomenon has had similar features while developing within various local contexts. Particularly the US, Germany and Russia are of interest, since fake news has risen in different social contexts and the concept has different meanings in these countries. Tonight, experts discuss the global influence of the new media on both traditional news-gathering and politics.

Dinsdag 20 sep 2022 20:00 uur
14 09 22
Why and How the United States Curtailed High Technology Trade in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Dangerous Knowledge in Postwar America

In their new groundbreaking book, Knowledge Regulation and National Security in Postwar America, Mario Daniels and John Krige set out to show the enormous political relevance that export control regulations have had for American debates about national security, foreign policy, and trade policy since 1945. 

Woensdag 14 sep 2022 20:00 uur
14 09 22
A lecture by Shannon Dea
Academic Freedom and the Duty of Care

On September 14, the AISSR hosts a lecture on academic freedom by Professor Shannon Dea, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Regina in Canada. The lecture is followed by a discussion with respondents and the public.

Woensdag 14 sep 2022 17:00 uur
30 06 22
Tactical Media Meet-Up
The European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media

Against the backdrop of the war with Ukraine, the Russian government has sharply increased funding for state media, resulting in an unprecedented level of state propaganda spread on social media platforms. As a consequence, US and EU lawmakers and Ukrainian officials have jolted into action by pressuring social media platforms in an attempt to curb Russian misinformation. This seems to be a watershed moment with regard to freedom of the press and internet freedom. We discuss what is at stake with internet activists and journalists directly involved in war-news production.

Donderdag 30 jun 2022 20:00 uur
22 06 22
Archives for the Future
Palestine and the Politics of Knowledge Production

The word archive comes from the Greek word arkheion, a repository for official documents, and a place where the archons, the rulers, reside. Archives, then, are unequivocally associated with power and authority, at least in their original formation. But who and what is the archive for? Following her latest book Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future, Gil Z. Hochberg presents her view of the archive as a liberatory site—particularly in Palestinian contexts.

Woensdag 22 jun 2022 17:00 uur
16 06 22
‘Pour une autre Europe’
The State of European Literature

Renowned writer Alain Mabanckou will deliver the third State of European Literature, under the title ‘Pour une autre Europe’ (‘For a different Europe’). The State of European Literature is an annual lecture delivered by a renowned author or poet of international stature, about the state of literature and the state of Europe through the perspective of literature.

Donderdag 16 jun 2022 19:30 uur
15 06 22
Future Imaginaries in the Making: (Post-) Crisis Greece

Which imaginaries and narratives of the future are currently infiltrating the Greek public sphere and Greek culture, and to what ends? This panel zooms in on contemporary Greece to ask questions that contribute to larger debates about future imaginations within and beyond the neoliberal present.

Woensdag 15 jun 2022 17:00 uur
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