Week against Racism 2022

Indigenous Knowledge in Academia

Who decides what is valid knowledge and what is not? During this event we challenge the disbalances of power between Indigenous knowledge and Western scientific knowledge.

The speakers will explore, from Indigenous ancestral values, the intersections between different types of knowledge, what processes have led to this divide, and how we can work towards better recognition and restoration of Indigenous knowledge systems.

About the speakers

Chautuileo Tranamil is Mapuche-Pewenche from Chile, brought up in the Netherlands and UvA alumna. She is a political scientist with an MSc in International Relations focused on Indigenous identity, rights, culture and she has expertise in Conflict Studies and community reparation in post-conflict societies. She’s an activist for Indigenous rights, cultures, and climate justice.

Willem Koning has Kalinja (Carib-Surinam) and Dutch ancestry and was born in the Netherlands. He is a painter, musician, and activist involved in protecting and studying the Indigenous cultures of the Americas, especially Suriname.

Myra Colis is an Igorot Cordilleran from the Philippines, who first migrated to China for work and then to the Netherlands for family. As an advocate for Indigenous People’s rights and preservation of Indigenous culture and identity, she founded MABIKAs Foundation-The Netherlands as a platform for Indigenous knowledge transfer, acquisition, and sharing. Myra is also currently completing her Law in Society LLB Degree at the VU University Amsterdam. 

Chihiro Geuzebroek (moderator) is Bolivian-Dutch with Quechua ancestry, born and raised in Amsterdam. She is a multidisciplinary artist, organizer, and trainer in decolonial climate justice perspectives and practices, and she is a UvA alumna in Media Studies.

About the Week against Racism 2022

In the European Action Week against Racism, the Central Diversity Office of the University of Amsterdam organises a serie of events. This week takes places annually in March in advance of the national demonstration against racism on Sunday, 20 March. This year’s theme is ‘Engaging leadership: the point is not to become a leader, the point is to empower others’.
Check out the full programme over here: NLENG



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