
Engelstalig evenement
SPUI25 in spe
01 11 21
Lea Ypi in gesprek met Pieter van Os
Een jeugd in communistisch Albanië

De internationaal gerenommeerde politicoloog en filosoof Lea Ypi groeide op in communistisch Albanië, destijds een van de meest geïsoleerde landen ter wereld waar communistische idealen de plaats van religie hadden ingenomen. Deze avond gaat Ypi in gesprek met Pieter van Os over haar memoires Vrij (De Bezige Bij), waarin ze terugblikt op haar jeugd en op zoek gaat naar de ware betekenis van vrijheid.

Maandag 1 nov 2021 20:00 uur
28 10 21
Slavery in the Cultural Imagination
Silent/Loud Voices/Bodies

On the occasion of the conference Slavery in the Cultural Imagination: Voices of Dissent in the Neerlandophone Space, we delve into the musical imagination. Experts from various backgrounds explore silent and loud voices and bodies, of the past and present of slavery. In doing so, we aim to reveal collective emotions and imaginations that cannot be recorded from most historical sources.

Donderdag 28 okt 2021 20:30 uur
15 10 21
Rahul Rao
The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality

Political theorist Rahul Rao investigates the impact and memory of the colonial encounter on the politics of sexuality and religiosity and on contemporary homophobic moral panics. This afternoon Rao will trace the encounters and entanglements across geopolitical divides that produce and contest contemporary queerphobias.

Vrijdag 15 okt 2021 14:00 uur
11 10 21
Evolving Female Entrepreneurship in the 20th Century and Beyond
From Housewife to CEO

During this NIAS Talk we explore how female entrepreneurship has evolved in the 20th century in the Netherlands. By weaving philosophical, historical and contemporary experiences together, we explore the past and present of female entrepreneurship.

Maandag 11 okt 2021 20:00 uur
07 10 21
Critical Meme Reader Launch
Global Mutations of the Viral Image

Memes are not just funny images on the web, they say a lot about the world we live in and can be used as tactile tools for social change. On the occasion of the launch of the Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image, we dive into the universe of meme (studies).

Donderdag 7 okt 2021 17:00 uur
22 09 21
Race and Common Humanity in Enlightenment Thought
The Color of Equality

The Enlightenment is often either praised as the wellspring of egalitarianism and the modern philosophy of human rights or blamed as the source of racism, sexism, and all that has gone wrong in modernity. On the basis of his new book, The Color of Equality: Race and Common Humanity in Enlightenment Thought (University of Pennsylvania Press), historian Devin J. Vartija will discuss the contradictory legacy of the Enlightenment together with Shiru Lim, Amada M’charek, Silvia Sebastiani and Alicia Montoya.

Woensdag 22 sep 2021 17:00 uur
17 09 21
Amsterdam German Studies Lecture
Writing the Transnational History of Knowledge Flows in a Global Age

The object of transnational history is ‘classically’ defined as a study of the circulation or flow of people, ideas, things and institutions across national borders. Its advocates often seek not only to abolish the national container as the defining framework for historical analysis, but to write history as if national borders don’t exist at all. Historian John Krige will argue that when knowledge and know-how in motion are the object of transnational flows, a variety of constraints on knowledge reinject borders into the heart of the analysis.

Vrijdag 17 sep 2021 20:00 uur
06 02 20
Secrecy and Methods in Security Research

What are the challenges when doing research in secretive places, like security institutions, detention centers, and digital spaces? How can students and researchers deal with those challenges? This meeting on February 6th launches the book Secrecy and Methods in Security Research and stages a discussion between some of the book’s chapter authors.

Donderdag 6 feb 2020 17:00 uur
29 01 20
Causes, Dynamics and Consequences
Border Deaths

What is known about border deaths: statistics, causes, identity? How are the bodies of migrants treated? How are the dead, the missing and the unidentified mourned by familiars and strangers?

Woensdag 29 jan 2020 20:00 uur
29 01 20
The future of porn

This event explores the future of porn. What are the challenges the adult entertainment industry faces in the coming decade? How can we create a more inclusive, female-and-nonbinary-friendly industry, and what do we need to achieve this? A discussion with awarded (erotic-) filmmaker Jennifer Lyon Bell and Eliza Steinbock.

Woensdag 29 jan 2020 17:00 uur
23 01 20
Heritage and the Cultural Struggle for Palestine

Why do heritage projects proliferate in the West Bank and the broader Middle East? What role does heritage play in conflict (and its resolution)?

Donderdag 23 jan 2020 20:00 uur
22 01 20
On the Spitzenkandidaten procedure and the challenges
The new European Commission

Now that the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen set off, it is time to look back at what happened after the elections. This evening we discuss the process and members of the new commission.

Woensdag 22 jan 2020 20:00 uur
16 01 20
Masters of narrative history
Dan Jones

Mention The Crusades and our imagination comes alive with images of chivalry and adventure, of rape and pillage, of wars of civilisation ancient and modern. Yes, The Crusades have come to represent all that; but they are also a series of concrete historical events in which historical persons of all sorts were swept up. Leave it to Netflix-historian Dan Jones to bring those persons to life.

Donderdag 16 jan 2020 20:00 uur
13 01 20
Southern Europe in comparative perspective
Protest movements and electoral politics

What determines the prospects of contemporary protest movements – or lack thereof – to induce significant changes in electoral politics? Why have some protest movements been more effective in reshaping the electoral politics than others?

Maandag 13 jan 2020 20:00 uur
28 11 19
Platform Imaginaries
On value and visibility

In this final episode of Platform Imaginaries we research the role of platforms like Instagram in the art world. What kinds of value do artists create through digital platforms? Are they working in free labor for visibility, and might these attentions change the kinds of value that their artworks represent economically and socially?

Donderdag 28 nov 2019 17:00 uur
28 10 19
Algorithms of violence

We are growing familiar with the use of algorithmic systems in the field of security through state-of-the-art visual technologies, such as face recognition, autonomous weapons, and situational awareness displays. These technologies affect how public and private actors understand, justify and define violence.

Maandag 28 okt 2019 17:00 uur
25 10 19
ARIAS network meet-up
The Shadow of Knowledge

Autumn arrived. It’s bronze light casts long shadows that bring another kind of being of things, less tangible but not less real. Let’s meet there, in the shadow of what is known, and stay for a while… In this meet-up we delve into what artist Falke Pisano called ‘the gaps – the not knowing – [that] play a big role in artistic research’.

Vrijdag 25 okt 2019 10:00 uur
23 10 19
1989. A concept challenged

Thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, historian James Mark challenges the idea of 1989 revolutions as simply a turn to a liberal West. At this public launch, he will present and discuss his new book, arguing that the long history of resistance against the liberal outcome of 1989 helps us understand the ideological depth of the current authoritarian counter-revolution.

Woensdag 23 okt 2019 20:00 uur
16 10 19
Gerard van Westerloolezing 2019
Lisa Taddeo

De jaarlijkse Gerard van Westerloolezing is een eerbetoon aan één van de grondleggers van de verhalende journalistiek in Nederland. Elk jaar spreekt een bekende schrijvende journalist over de keuzes die hij of zij heeft gemaakt: welke verhalende tools zet diegene in en waarom? Wat kunnen andere journalisten hiervan leren? Dit jaar is de Amerikaanse journalist en schrijver Lisa Taddeo te gast.

Woensdag 16 okt 2019 20:00 uur
16 10 19
A debate with Pierre Rosanvallon
The future of progressive politics

At the occasion of the publication of Pierre Rosanvallon, ‘De democratie denken. Werk in uitvoering’, Rosanvallon will discuss the challenges and opportunities of a progressive politics with prominent Dutch voices in the debate about progressive politics. With: Klara Boonstra, Sarah de Lange and Paul Scheffer. Moderator: Ido de Haan.

Woensdag 16 okt 2019 17:00 uur
14 10 19
Platform Imaginaries
On self-driving cars and the new mobility

Waze, Car2Go, Uber, ViaVan, Here and Google Maps are amongst some of the most popular mapping technologies that support Amsterdam city life. They allow people to move efficiently around a city; they dynamically regulate the city’s chaos with a tap of a smartphone. In this edition of Platform Imaginaries we reflect on the way platforms are changing mobility in and around the urban environment with presentations from UvA lecturer and researcher Alex Gekker, Gerrit Rietveld Academie’s artistic researchers Esther Polak and Ivar Van Bekkum, and as moderator author of ‘The Platform Society. Public values in a Connective World’ Martijn de Waal.

Maandag 14 okt 2019 17:00 uur
10 10 19
A seminar on systems and perspectives
The work behind data

Data has become central to many aspects of our society. However, the social and technical work that lies behind data is often overlooked. This seminar will explore the challenges and state of the art in working with data from both these vantage points.

Donderdag 10 okt 2019 13:00 uur
07 10 19
Een avond met Dick Harrison
De geschiedenis van de slavernij

Met Zweedse hoogleraar geschiedenis Dick Harrison en moderator Martijn Icks kijken we naar de geschiedenis van de slavernij, van de vroegst bekende beschavingen tot hedendaagse dwangarbeid.

Maandag 7 okt 2019 20:00 uur
04 10 19
De glorie van Rome

Bestsellerauteur Adrian Goldsworthy bespreekt de werking en de invloed van het Romeinse leger. Het beste beroepsleger dat de wereld heeft gekend, was niet ‘slechts’ uit op de overwinning, maar op de totale vernietiging van de vijand. Met: Adrian Goldsworthy en Diederik Burgersdijk

Vrijdag 4 okt 2019 20:00 uur
04 10 19
Jet Steinz in gesprek met Simon Sebag Montefiore
Geschreven geschiedenis

Weinig is zo echt als een brief. Wij leggen onze vergankelijke gevoelens en herinneringen op papier vast om ze te delen met anderen en ze bestendigheid te geven. Brieven zijn het geschreven tegengif voor de vluchtigheid van het leven, meende ook brievenliefhebber Goethe. En dat dat klopt bespreken Jet Steinz en Merlijn Olnon (moderator) deze middag met Simon Sebag Montefiore, die voor ons de belangrijkste en opmerkelijkste brieven uit de wereldgeschiedenis verzamelde.

Vrijdag 4 okt 2019 13:00 uur
01 10 19
Whither the two-state solution?
The future of Palestine

The recent move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the closing down of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation’s PLO office in Washington as well as the cut of US funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the near east (UNRWA) have all resulted in a deadlock and breakdown of the peace process.

Dinsdag 1 okt 2019 20:00 uur
26 09 19
In gesprek met Erika Fatland
Rusland als buurland

Wat betekent het om Rusland als buurland te hebben? Op zoek naar het antwoord op deze vraag, reisde Erika Fatland door de veertien landen aan de andere kant van de langste grens ter wereld. Een avond met Erika Fatland over haar boek, haar ervaringen en haar reizen.

Donderdag 26 sep 2019 17:00 uur
21 09 19
For your convenience

Large-scale agriculture, feasting on exhausted land, plants and animal life, makes it increasingly difficult to choose what to drop into our shopping baskets. “What is it that we should be eating?” is a crucial daily decision, affecting some of the biggest issues of today; from climate change, to workers’ or animal rights and public health.

Zaterdag 21 sep 2019 20:00 uur
16 09 19
Visions of Europe
How to democratize Europe?

Four distinguished French public intellectuals, Stéphanie Hennette, Thomas Piketty, Guillaume Sacriste, and Antoine Vauchez , have written a draft treaty establishing a parliamentary assembly for the Eurozone, its members drawn mainly from national parliaments. During this event, Antoine Vauchez will discuss the T-Dem proposal and the key issues raised by ensuing debate with an interdisciplinary group of lawyers and political scientists from the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES).

Maandag 16 sep 2019 20:00 uur
11 09 19
Design, fiction, and speculative philosophy for a planet in crisis

We are currently living through the earth’s sixth mass extinction. We need to open up new vistas for living and dwelling on a planet in crisis. This event will reflect on ways in which artists and designers can create and experiment with much needed fresh frameworks. With: Adam Nocek, Betti Marenko, and Patricia Pisters.

Woensdag 11 sep 2019 20:00 uur
03 09 19
The technology behind Deep Fake
When fake looks all too real

In this program, experts will explain the technology known as ‘Deep Learning’. They will show examples of benign and malign uses such as Deep Fake applications and discuss ways in which Artificial Intelligence researchers can help avoid misuse. With: Dieuwke Hupkes, Jelle Zuidema and Paul Boersma.

Dinsdag 3 sep 2019 20:00 uur
03 07 19
The History of Information Warfare and Why It Still Matters Today
News from Germany

Information warfare may seem like a new feature of our contemporary digital world. But it was just as crucial a century ago, when the great powers competed to control and expand their empires.

Woensdag 3 jul 2019 20:00 uur
26 06 19
Sexual Violence in Wars of Decolonization

NIAS Fellows Stef Scagliola and Natalya Vince compare their findings on sexual violence in wars of decolonization in Indonesia (1945-1949) and Algeria (1954-1962).

Woensdag 26 jun 2019 20:00 uur
25 06 19
Platform imaginaries
Rethinking Airbnb and other dominant technologies

Platforms like Airbnb, Uber and Thuisbezorgd are amongst the most popular technologies that support urban living. They allow people to rent a room, hire a car, or have food delivered to their doorstep; they regulate the city’s chaos with a tap of a smartphone. During this event, we will reflect on the ways platforms incorporate state-like logic and effects, and will incite your imagination to come up with alternatives for these dominant and dominating technologies.

Dinsdag 25 jun 2019 17:00 uur
20 06 19
Decisions in AI
Explaining the ‘black box’

Whether it’s a traffic fine, a court judgement or the price of your airline booking: increasingly, we leave decisions to algorithms. In the future, companies and institutions may not be able to explain what happens inside the ‘black box’. Decisions can cost or save us millions – but what if we disagree or question the outcome? A conversation between economics and data science.

Donderdag 20 jun 2019 20:00 uur
13 06 19
The Islamic State and the Future Terrorist Diaspora
After the Caliphate

In 2014, the declaration of the Islamic State caliphate was hailed as a major victory by the global jihadist movement. But it was short-lived. Three years on, the caliphate was destroyed, leaving its surviving fighters – many of whom were foreign recruits – to retreat and scatter across the globe. So what happens now?

Donderdag 13 jun 2019 17:00 uur
12 06 19
Empathic brains & debunking jet theories
Amsterdam Science Now

Are you interested in science and wondering what makes scientist in Amsterdam tick? Amsterdam Science Now gives the stage to three contributors to the ninth issue of Amsterdam Science Magazine.

Woensdag 12 jun 2019 20:00 uur
11 06 19
From Conflict to Co-Creation
Constructivism and Positivism

Psychologist Ken Gergen will speak about Constructivism and how this school of inquiry may relate to Positivism. This lecture will be followed by a 10-minute response of Angélique Cramer, Q&A with the audience, and some drinks.

Dinsdag 11 jun 2019 17:00 uur
07 06 19
Persian Culture on the Global Scene

For many centuries, Persian culture has been shaped by regional and global influences, and in turn, it has shaped the global cultural scene. The acknowledgment of this historical and contemporary interaction calls for the deprovincialization of Persian culture and the recasting of globalisation as a non-Eurocentric process.

Vrijdag 7 jun 2019 17:00 uur
04 06 19
Political animals

Can animals be political? This event takes a ‘more-than-human’ approach to politics and conflict, exploring animals’ role in mediating (interhuman) conflicts, solidarities and inequalities.

Dinsdag 4 jun 2019 20:00 uur