Partner Faculteit Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica

Programma’s uit het verleden
21 02 24
Do We Really Care? Public Values and Digital Technology in the Netherlands

What do the Dutch value in digital technologies? This roundtable presents the results of the first survey to explore the relation between public values, human rights, and technology design. We find that most people take measures to protect their online privacy, but also that half of the population has never heard of technical standards.

Woensdag 21 feb 2024 17:00 uur
15 12 23
Over ‘het genie’ en de uitvinding van de atoombom
Gezicht van het kwaad

De uitvinding van de atoombom is een van vele wetenschappelijke uitvindingen die in boeken en films worden geframed als product van één briljant brein. Zo ging deze zomer de film Oppenheimer maar liefst drie uur lang over natuurkundige Robert Oppenheimer en diens ogenschijnlijk solistische uitvinding van de atoombom, en verscheen dit najaar de roman De MANIAC over de wiskundige John von Neumann. Een avond met Margriet van der Heijden, Martijn van Calmthout, Daan Mulder en Emma Zuiderveen over het nieuwe boek van Benjamín Labatut en de representatie van wetenschap in kunst en cultuur.

Vrijdag 15 dec 2023 20:00 uur
06 10 23
A Conversation with Mark Rowe
J.L. Austin: Philosopher and D-Day Intelligence Officer

Mark Rowe has just published the first full length biography of the celebrated ordinary-language philosopher, J.L. Austin. The book reveals the true complexity of Austin’s character, and the full range and significance of his achievements, including his lesser known role in planning the D-Day landings. Tonight, Rowe will talk about his new book with philosopher Tamara Dobler and English Literature scholar Rudolph Glitz.

Vrijdag 6 okt 2023 17:30 uur
19 09 23
Systems Thinking for Our Future

What can a systemic view of the Earth teach us about our future? Does the current understanding of the socio-ecological crisis give us the necessary tools to catalyze meaningful transformation? In this talk, Arthur Keller develops an in-depth overview of the systemic and interconnected challenges we face in our volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous world and suggests novel transformation strategies.

Dinsdag 19 sep 2023 14:00 uur
17 04 23
Beter denken met Marcus du Sautoy
Wiskunde als kunst van de shortcut

In zijn nieuwe boek Beter denken introduceert Marcus du Sautoy de wiskunde als kunst van de shortcut. Aan de hand van verhalen, raadsels en puzzels verhaalt hij over zowel shortcuts waardoor de menselijke beschaving mogelijk werd, als handige shortcuts die ons dagelijks leven makkelijker maken. Vanavond presenteert Du Sautoy deze ingenieuze strategieën, waarna hij in gesprek gaat met Desiree Agterberg.

Maandag 17 apr 2023 17:00 uur
04 11 22
How We Grow the World We Want
Viral Justice

Long before the pandemic, Ruha Benjamin was doing groundbreaking research on race, technology, and justice, focusing on big, structural changes. But the twin plagues of COVID-19 and anti-Black police violence inspired her to rethink the importance of small, individual actions. Part memoir, part manifesto, her new book Viral Justice is a sweeping and deeply personal exploration of how we can transform society through the choices we make every day.

Vrijdag 4 nov 2022 20:00 uur
01 11 22
Progress and Problems in the Study of Consciousness
From Matter to Mind

Understanding consciousness has been for centuries a subject of philosophical investigation, but only recently have scientists started to tackle this question. Some of the most influential philosophers and scientists in the field debate the recent progress (and the problems that remain) in the scientific study of consciousness.

Dinsdag 1 nov 2022 17:00 uur
16 02 22
A Fundamental Force Revisited

Gravity is a force that seems central to us walking around on this globe, but how essential is it in a physicist’s world? In physics there are considered to be four fundamental forces; interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions. A couple of years ago, professor Erik Verlinde proposed a new theory of gravity that challenges the conventional idea that it is a fundamental force.

Woensdag 16 feb 2022 20:00 uur
01 02 22
Poëzie onder de microscoop

Is het lab een plaats voor poëzie? Hoe wordt wetenschappelijk onderzoek een gedicht? Dichter Rosa Schogt was in 2021 artist in residence in het lab van medisch bioloog Renée van Amerongen. Wetenschapsjournalist Gemma Venhuizen gaat met hen in gesprek over hoe ze elkaar vonden, wat ze van elkaars werk begrepen, en hoe kunst en wetenschap elkaar inspireerden.

Dinsdag 1 feb 2022 20:00 uur
15 12 21
Musicality Explained
Chords of the Brain

December; that time of the year when you praise yourself with your amazing and unique music taste while unwrapping your Spotify or voting for the Top2000. Music plays an important role in many people’s lives. We enjoy listening to it on the radio or live at a concert, while many people also learn how to play instruments themselves. Why do we value music so much; are there biological or social explanations for this?

Woensdag 15 dec 2021 16:00 uur
19 05 21
From Cosmetics to Toxins
Stories of Skin Care

Over time, the world of skin care has won a spot in almost everyone’s bathroom and nightstand. Commercials promote the ‘right’ skin care routines resulting in health and beauty. But isn’t there more to it, what are the true stories behind skin care?

Woensdag 19 mei 2021 20:00 uur
20 01 21
Gene Editing and Ethics

Last year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Jennifer Doudna and Emanuelle Charpentier for the development of the CRISPR-Cas9 technique. How does this gene editing technique work? Which ethical questions does it provoke?

Woensdag 20 jan 2021 20:00 uur
02 12 20
The Science of Conspiracies

In times of COVID-19, trust in science has become crucial for the world’s well-being. In the day and age of the internet however, we are often exposed to the opinions of those who reject scientific findings. In this BètaBreak edition we examine how conspiracy theories evolve and analyse the concerns they invoke from a scientific perspective.

Woensdag 2 dec 2020 20:00 uur
04 11 20
De wetenschap achter het vrouwelijk orgasme

Jarenlang werd het vrouwelijk orgasme voor onbelangrijk versleten. Het lichaam van de vrouw zou gemaakt zijn om kinderen te baren en een orgasme leek daarbij geen rol te spelen. Inmiddels is menigeen een andere mening toegedaan.

Woensdag 4 nov 2020 20:00 uur
10 10 19
A seminar on systems and perspectives
The work behind data

Data has become central to many aspects of our society. However, the social and technical work that lies behind data is often overlooked. This seminar will explore the challenges and state of the art in working with data from both these vantage points.

Donderdag 10 okt 2019 13:00 uur
03 09 19
The technology behind Deep Fake
When fake looks all too real

In this program, experts will explain the technology known as ‘Deep Learning’. They will show examples of benign and malign uses such as Deep Fake applications and discuss ways in which Artificial Intelligence researchers can help avoid misuse. With: Dieuwke Hupkes, Jelle Zuidema and Paul Boersma.

Dinsdag 3 sep 2019 20:00 uur
12 06 19
Empathic brains & debunking jet theories
Amsterdam Science Now

Are you interested in science and wondering what makes scientist in Amsterdam tick? Amsterdam Science Now gives the stage to three contributors to the ninth issue of Amsterdam Science Magazine.

Woensdag 12 jun 2019 20:00 uur
21 05 19
Why do we fear Artificial Intelligence (and should we)?

Can we not stand the thought of non-humans being more intelligent than us? Or are we perhaps afraid that artificial superintelligence will do to us, what humans tend to do to the creatures we outsmart? In a multi-disciplinary evening we will debate our fear of AI through the lens of ethics, philosophy, and art.

Dinsdag 21 mei 2019 20:00 uur
03 04 19
Adapt or die?
The future of scientific education

With the respectable age of 387 years, the UvA is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. It is hard to fathom we may have reached the end of the centuries-old model of a standard curriculum, yet many believe we do. What could be the answer to modern society’s questions to education?

Woensdag 3 apr 2019 20:00 uur
06 03 19
De nationale cursus Artificial Intelligence
AI te slim af

Kunstmatige intelligentie, oftewel AI, is niet meer weg te denken uit de samenleving, en met de dag groeit haar rol in onze levens. Maar waar staat AI eigenlijk voor? En is haar invloed louter positief of zitten er ook mindere kanten aan? Wegkijken is niet langer een optie

Woensdag 6 mrt 2019 20:00 uur
11 02 19
De intelligentie van planten

Eeuwenlang dachten wij dat alleen de mens beschikte over gevoel en intelligentie. Planten en dieren waren van een andere orde. Dit beeld is aan het kantelen: steeds meer wetenschappelijk onderzoek toont aan dat ook planten intelligent zijn. Tijdens dit derde programma in de reeks ‘Onbegrensd’ bespreken wetenschappers en kunstenaars de voor ons nog grotendeels verborgen wereld van de intelligentie van planten

Maandag 11 feb 2019 17:00 uur