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Air and Love: A Story of Food, Family and Belonging
In her new book, Air and Love: A Story of Food, Family and Belonging, Or Rosenboim explores the history of modern displacement by retracing micro-histories of family migrations from Samarkand and Riga to the Middle East in 1860-1960. She reconstructs long-lost migration routes and retraces the food that migrants cooked on the road, to explore questions of identity and belonging, that have shaped not only individual lives but also global order. By weaving these stories into the larger narratives of contemporary history, Rosenboim offers a new perspective on the history of the modern world.
In her new book, Air and Love: A Story of Food, Family and Belonging, Or Rosenboim explores the history of modern displacement by retracing micro-histories of family migrations from Samarkand and Riga to the Middle East in 1860-1960. She reconstructs long-lost migration routes and retraces the food that migrants cooked on the road, to explore questions of identity and belonging, that have shaped not only individual lives but also global order. By weaving these stories into the larger narratives of contemporary history, Rosenboim offers a new perspective on the history of the modern world.
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De geschiedenis van het pand
SPUI25: van sluis tot academisch podium
Van predikantswoning tot een winkel voor schaatsenmakers, het rijksmonument op Spui 25 kent een bewogen historie. Ooit was het pand onderdeel van de Evangelisch-Lutherse gemeente, maar nu wordt het sinds 1961 samen met de Oude Lutherse Kerk verhuurd aan de UvA.
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