
18 03 25
(In)Visible Journalists. Confronting Epistemic Injustices in Conflict Reporting 

Traditional ‘neutral’ and ‘objective’ journalism has long been regarded as the gold standard of reliable reporting within conflict settings. But who gets to be perceived as neutral and objective? Who holds the power to tell the stories? And which stories get told? During this programme, SPUI25 in Spe explores the politics of journalistic visibility. Whose voices are centred, and whose are sidelined?  

Dinsdag 18 mrt 2025 20:00 uur
20 03 25
Colonial Collections under Scrutiny: Researching the Origin of Objects

How can academics and museum professionals research the provenance of a colonial museum collection? And can we trace possible ‘involuntary loss of possession’ or looted objects? During the colonial era, a variety of objects were taken to the Netherlands, often against the will of their original owners. For some years now, these collections and the possible return of colonial objects have been under scrutiny.

Donderdag 20 mrt 2025 17:00 uur
21 03 25
Opera Forward Festival
What Does National Identity Sound Like?

How can we comprehend the connection between politics and music? In what ways does ‘the canon’ shape national identity, and how do policies and grassroots movements influence this dynamic? By exploring the sounds of national identity, the Think Tank of the Opera Forward Festival 2025 presents its insights into the musical aspects of nationalism, focusing on the impact of canonization, politics, and identity.

Vrijdag 21 mrt 2025 17:00 uur
24 03 25
Exploring current Challenges and Opportunities
Representation in Entertainment Media and Technology

This afternoon, we will delve into the complex challenges and promising opportunities surrounding representation in media technology. The event will focus on the progress made toward inclusivity and critically examine how current technological innovations interact with and impact the representation of marginalized social identities. 


Maandag 24 mrt 2025 17:00 uur
25 03 25
Big Tech & the State, Media, and Democracy
The rising power of Big Tech.

In a moment of rapid change for global politics, Big Tech platforms and their owners are shaping up to be international power brokers. Trump’s White house cozies up to Silicon Valley oligarchs as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, and clashes with the EU over its platform laws. How does the power of Big Tech affect our democracies, and can it be contained? In this panel discussion, researchers Theresa Josephine Seipp and Paddy Leerssen will discuss their latest research on platform power and regulation.

Dinsdag 25 mrt 2025 17:00 uur
25 03 25
Cybernetic Capitalism

Today’s form of capitalism is organized on principles of information and communication, the domain of what used to be called “cybernetics”. At work as well as in our free time, we merge with our computers, networks, and, increasingly, artificial intelligence. What does it mean to live under this regime of cybernetic capitalism?

Dinsdag 25 mrt 2025 20:00 uur
27 03 25
Een avond met Stephen Fry. Over Mythos en Odyssee en meer

*uitverkocht* Deze avond ontvangen wij schrijver, acteur en presentator Stephen Fry bij ons in de Aula van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. De veelgeprezen Brit – auteur van onder andere Mythos en Odyssee – wordt geïnterviewd door Jeroen Vullings. Oudheidkundige Jacqueline Klooster spreekt een laudatio uit. Een avond over Griekse mythen en de kunst van het (her)vertellen mét Britse humor.

Donderdag 27 mrt 2025 20:00 uur
Toegang vanaf32.50
03 04 25
From World War II to Sudan, South Sudan and Gaza
Hunger as a Weapon of War and Genocide

80 years after the ‘Hunger Winter killed an estimated 20,000 people in the western part of the Netherlands, the use of starvation is rising as a tool of war and genocide in global conflicts. Today, around 223 million people living in conflict-affected areas face starvation with devastating long-term consequences. Hunger extends beyond physical sustenance, encompassing moral, emotional, sensorial, and political dimensions. Taking World War II, contemporary Gaza, Sudan, and South Sudan as examples, our expert panel will explore the weaponisation of hunger in its historical, social, economic and political contexts. 

Donderdag 3 apr 2025 17:00 uur
04 04 25
Seeing Matters: The Social and Political Lives of Images

Ever wondered how images shape our reality? Join us in unraveling the transformative power of visuals – from protest imagery to social media memes – in mobilizing movements, influencing debates, and reshaping perceptions. Discover why, in our visual age, seeing truly matters. 

Vrijdag 4 apr 2025 17:00 uur
02 05 25
Sieg Maandag: Trauma and Art in the Aftermath of Bergen-Belsen

Sieg Maandag (1937-2013) was seven years old when he was photographed by George Rodger as he walked among the piles of bodies in the liberated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. His father was killed there, his mother survived camp Beendorf and was reunited with him six months after the war. Sieg’s family were diamond dealers. After the war he learned to work with diamonds, traveled the world, fell in love, sang at the Paradiso night club, and painted hundreds of paintings and ceramics. This presentation, on the 80th anniversary of the photo documenting his liberation, focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to his art as representation and transformation. 

Vrijdag 2 mei 2025 17:00 uur
15 05 25
Citizenship: New Trajectories in Law

To what extent can progressive movements become planetary movements? In what ways can discourses of citizenship and rights help imagine transnational solidarities beyond national authorities? 

Donderdag 15 mei 2025 20:00 uur