Milton Mueller
Milton Mueller is an internationally prominent scholar specializing in the political economy of information and communication. The author of seven books and many journal articles, his work informs not only public policy but science and technology studies, law, economics, communications, and international studies. His books Will the Internet Fragment? (Polity, 2017), Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance (MIT Press, 2010) and Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace (MIT Press, 2002) are recognized scholarly accounts of the global governance regime emerging around the Internet. Mueller’s research employs the theoretical tools of institutional economics, STS and political economy, as well as historical, qualitative and quantitative methods. Dr. Mueller is the co-founder and director of the Internet Governance Project (IGP), a policy analysis center that has played a prominent role in shaping internet policies and institutions such as ICANN and the Internet Governance Forum.