
Holger Schulze

Holger Schulze is full professor in musicology at the University of Copenhagen and principal investigator at the Sound Studies Lab. His research moves between a cultural history of the senses, sound in popular culture and the anthropology of media. He was visiting professor at the Musashino Art University Tokyo, the University of New South Wales Sydney, and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Currently he works on The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Sound Studies (with Jennifer Stoever and Michael Bull) and on The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound in Museums (with Alcina Cortez, Eric de Visscher and Gabriele Rossi Rognoni). Selected Publications: Sonic Fiction (2021), The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Anthropology of Sound (2021, ed.), The Sonic Persona (2018), and Sound as Popular Culture (2016, co-ed.).

photo: Ralf Hiemisch