
Estelle Zhong Mengual

Estelle Zhong Mengual is a French art historian. She received her doctorate from Sciences Po in Paris, where she taught at the Master’s in art and politics, founded by Bruno Latour, for 6 years. She is now in charge of a chair at the National School of Fine Arts in Paris, titled “Inhabiting the landscape”. Her research regards our perception of the living world – past and present. In particular, she works on the development of an art history based on humanities, environmental and natural sciences. In 2023, she co-created with choreographer Jérôme Bel a piece titled “Non human dances” which premiered at the Louvre Museum. She is the author of several books. The Dutch translation of her book Apprendre à Voir (Leren Kijken) was recently published with Octavo Publicaties.