
Arent van Nieukerken

Arent van Nieukerken is a lecturer at the Chair of Slavic Studies of Amsterdam University and foreign member of the Polish Academy of Science (PAN). He has been a visiting professor at Warsaw University and The Nicolas Copernicus University of Toruń (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika). An important part of his current research focuses on Polish, Ukrainian and Russian literature and their relation with national and regional identities. He is author of Ironiczny konceptyzm – nowoczesna polska poezja metafizyczna w anglosaskim kontekście (Ironic concetti – modernist Polish metaphysical poetry in an Anglo-Saxon context; Kraków 1998) and Perspektywiczność sacrum – szkice o Norwidowskim romantyzmie (The Holy in perspective – essays about Norwid’s romantism; Warszawa 2007).