
10 10 24
Acid Clouds: Mapping Data Centre Topologies

How can we rethink the ownership and control of data? And in what ways do data centres influence our identities and societal norms? In this book launch we will discuss the themes addressed in ‘Acid Clouds’, which examines data centres through different lenses, from artifical intelligence to machine learning and from environmental impact to digital capitalism. How can we critically engage with the hidden yet pervasive infrastructures that shape our world?

Donderdag 10 okt 2024 20:00 uur
18 10 24
Panel International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs
Emergencies of Authoritarianism: Global Entanglements

A rich panel of internationally renowned scholars sheds light on the global entanglements of authoritarianism. Based on their specific local experiences and situated knowledge, they discuss  some of the main characteristics of authoritarianism today. How are its different variations connected with each other? How are they dependent on other global developments?

Vrijdag 18 okt 2024 19:00 uur
21 10 24
Hannah Arendt over vriendschap en democratie
Het geluk van nabijheid

Praten met vrienden maakt Hannah Arendt gelukkig. Ze koestert haar vele vrienden middels brieven en frequente bezoeken. In haar nieuwste boek ‘Het geluk van nabijheid’ onderzoekt filosoof Lieve Goorden de nauwe verbintenis van vriendschap en democratie in Arendt’s denken en doen.

Maandag 21 okt 2024 17:00 uur
24 10 24
De geschiedenis van Nederland 1795-1914
De wentelende negentiende eeuw

De negentiende eeuw is een eeuw van tegenstrijdigheden: industrialisatie en kolonisatie, revolutie en modernisering, nationalisering en mondialisering. Hoe kijken historici tegenwoordig naar deze periode en welke zeggingskracht heeft deze eeuw nog in de eenentwintigste eeuw?

Donderdag 24 okt 2024 20:00 uur
25 10 24
New Directions in Sonic History
What Are Sound Studies?

Professor Holger Schulze will give us a Brief Introduction to a Very Young and Very Old Field of Research: Sound Studies. He will shed light on the more recent history of Sound Studies and the current developments in the 2020s to decolonize sound studies and investigate aural diversity 

Vrijdag 25 okt 2024 17:00 uur
28 10 24
The Architects of Dignity
Vietnamese Visions of Decolonization

In his new book, The Architects of Dignity: Vietnamese Visions of Decolonization, Kevin Pham introduces Vietnamese political thought to debates in political theory, showing how Vietnamese thinkers challenge Western conventional wisdom. These thinkers’ arguments are worthwhile for anyone concerned with freedom, democracy, and cross-cultural thinking. Tonight, Pham will discuss his book with scholar Yen Vu.

Maandag 28 okt 2024 20:00 uur
14 11 24
Religious radicalisations and a crisis of culture

In conversation with Olivier Roy, we discuss the tension and connection between the crisis of culture and religious radicalisations in both Islam and Western societies. How should we understand the call for Jihad? And what does ‘European culture’ mean today?

Donderdag 14 nov 2024 17:00 uur
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